15 Best Beach Camping Tips, Tricks, and Hacks for a Perfect Trip

beach camping tips

You know, when I think about camping, the beach is always the best spot. If you think like me, maybe you need some beach camping tips. If so, let me tell you what works for me. Camping on a beach ain’t like regular camping. There’s just something about the sand and the way the waves crash. It’s, like, so calm but also makes you feel really alive.

I grew up near the ocean, so I guess I always loved that feeling. The water’s always moving, and there’s something about how far you can see.

There are beaches where you can pitch your tent right by the water, or sometimes, it’s just you and the sea. This kind of camping has its own magic. If you’re feeling like life is hard and boring, and you’ve been struggling with mental health for a while, now is the perfect time to consider beach camping. It’s a chance to recharge and find peace.

And if you’re like me and want to fall asleep to the soothing sound of the waves, now is your moment. The beach is calling you!

Whether you’re planning to go with family, solo, as a couple, or just want some chill time, here’s what helps: bring plenty of sunscreen and make sure your tent is sturdy! Beaches can be windy, and you don’t want to end up chasing your tent.

Also Read: Things You Have to Have for Winter RV Camping

Top Things to Do for a Calm and Pleasant Beachside Camping Escape

Having a checklist of 15 essential tips will make your beach camping experience memorable and enjoyable. In this guide, you’ll discover the best things to do, from smart packing and campsite selection to essential gear and fun activities.

1. Know Your Destination Well For A Perfect Beach Camping:

There may be countless options that you want to consider before booking your next beach camping trip. Once you have shortlisted a few of them, make sure you have collected all the important information about the beach.

If available, you can visit their website or invest some time in researching online about that place. You should know things such as, whether they offer food, have portable water resources, or whether showers and flushable toilets are available or not. Knowing these details will make your backpacking easier.

2. Reserve Your Beach ASAP:

As the summer season approaches, most of people head to the beach, whether for camping, sunbathing, or surfing. Since beaches fill up quickly, especially during summer vacations, you must not waste time reserving yours. It depends on whether you are going to spend holidays on a local beach or somewhere else, you should take into consideration the peak timing when the beaches are booked. The right way is to reserve your beach at least a month before you plan to travel.

3. Use The Right Tent Be It Your First Beach Camping Or Fourth!:

Using the right tent will enable you to make the most out of it. Try using the net with a mesh roof and windows to enjoy the stargazing. It is one of its own kind of fun things on beach camping.

And in case you want to enjoy the ocean breeze, use a tent which is open from one side. Ensure you dig the camp pegs deeper in the sand. Also, make sure you have a rainfly with you to protect yourself from sudden rain and mist from the ocean waves.

4. The Tools You Should Keep with You:

Without the basic tools necessary for camping, you won’t be able to enjoy your stress-free holidays. When camping, you would need various camping tools, such as a tent, cooking tools, sleeping bags, tarps, etc. A word to the wise: don’t forget to keep a brush and a dustbin to brush off the sand. A little addition to your necessary tools will save you from frustration and difficulty.

5. Incorporating a Shade Shelter Is Must For A Smooth Beach Camping:

Naturally, beaches don’t provide shade to protect you or your staff from sun heat, so you should prepare yourself to deal with the scorching sun and bring your own shelter. Long hours under the sun are not good for your skin or even your health, especially during the summer. Ensure to bring a shelter that can accommodate you and your staff well. Remember, you have to secure a place for the shelter too apart from your camp, if you have not yet considered this aspect, better start planning for it earlier. You can place a beach umbrella or keep wide-brimmed hats. I am sure you will be thankful to keep this with you!

6. Keep a Tarp And A Mat To Prevent the Inner Tent From Sanding:

As the beach is all the sand, it is wise to keep a tarp under your tent which extends at least two feet from your tent. Ideally, you should also place a mat at the entrance of the tent where you can wipe and keep your shoes out of the tent. This mat and extended tarp is a good investment to protect your tent from the sand.

7. Keep Miscellaneous Supplies Such As Rain Jacket Or Mosquito Net:

The weather at the beach can become unpredictable. Despite being fully prepared you may skip keeping other important supplies such as a full-sleeved shirt, pants, rain jacket, and a mosquito net. You must protect yourself from the tiny biting bugs. For some extra protection, especially, during night, you may need to wear that full-sleeved shirt, pants, and socks. The temperature at the beach usually drops after sunset, so you should cover yourself completely to avoid any discomfort.

8. Be Prepared For The Tides:

It is very obvious that if you are planning to set up a camp by the ocean, you must prepare yourself for the tides. in order to stay positive about the ocean tides, set your camp and bonfire away, I repeat, away from the water especially when during high tide. The best way to prepare is to familiarize yourself with the oceanic waves well before you plan to set up a camp and gauge how far you should stay away from the tides. Regardless of how tempting it is to stay near the waves, but your holiday may be ruined if your camp is washed away by only one big tide. I am sure none wants to experience that!

9. A Bonfire Will Revitalize Your Whole Trip:

How many times do you enjoy a bonfire on your regular vacays or weekends? A bonfire is something you don’t arrange every now and then. So beach camping is the best opportunity to set up one. You need to follow instructions completely if a bonfire is allowed. Ensure you have wood for fire.

In case your beach has a firing ring, it is best to use it. In case it is not available you can build it yourself- make sure you have learned this skill. The purpose of a bonfire is to have fun, so it is important to keep it manageable and small.

Safety Tip: Don’t leave your fire unattended as well as drown it fully before you leave.

10. Ensure Protection from the Sun:

I have already mentioned about the shelter to protect your possessions from the sun’s heat. Protecting from the sun does not only mean having a shade or shelter but also you should protect your skin with a good SPF. You would not want to return home with patches of sunburn on your face and body which take days to vanish. So, it is recommended that you should apply good sunscreen on your body to protect your skin from those unattractive patches.

11. Sand Dunes Can Become Hazardous:

Sand dunes add to the beauty of the beach. However, it may also pose a high risk as they are made up of shifting sand, poisonous herbs at times, and rocks. These rocks can slide down and hit you if you are not at a reasonable distance from the sand dunes. It is natural to be amazed by the beauty of the sand dunes and admiring the beauty of nature gives no harm, but never forget to be cautioned by the threat sometimes nature poses at us.

12. Stay Hydrated:

While you prepare every bit of your camping supplies, don’t forget to keep a good deal of water supply with you. Sea water is surely not drinkable and you cannot rely on it that help you stay hydrated. Even though you are planning to camp near a lake or river, ensure you have your own drinking water supply along with some purifying tables. It is rightly said, that prevention is better than cure, so even if you have to drink water from the lake or river near your camp, ensure you purify yourself.

13. Invest in Portable Toilet:

This is what you will never regret to have with you! None likes to trudge in the middle of the night. To prevent yourself from unnecessary walking, keep a portable toilet near your camp. You can find many in the market, so grab one; this is going to be very useful for you and your whole family.

14. Stash Your Waste

We all love a beautiful, clean beach, right? As a camper, it’s up to you to help keep it that way to manage the effects of recreational camping on the environment. Oh, and garbage? Totally your problem. Gotta plan for it. No cans, no bottles – they’re a pain to carry back, right? So best to not even pack ‘em.

When I’m heading out, I grab a few big freezer bags for trash. Easy to toss stuff in there, but don’t forget! You got to take that trash with you, always. Sometimes, parks hand out bags. But not all of ‘em. Better check first.

Also, heads up, you might want to know if there’s stuff you’re not allowed to bring. Some things just ain’t worth the trouble. Always good to double-check before leaving.

15. Inspect your tent for seepages

Before going camping, I always check the seams on my tent. The old ones are usually where the trouble starts. If there’s any tape on the seams that looks like it’s peeling, I grab some seam glue and fix it up. But if it’s really bad? I just take the tape off and put the glue straight on the seam.

Rain likes to sit in dips on the ground, so I always try to set my tent on flat spots. Gotta keep the ground sheet tucked in, too. If it sticks out, water sneaks in. And pulling the tent nice and tight? That stops water from pooling, which messes up the tent fabric, and helps the tent stay steady when the wind blows.