Why is Life So Hard? 8 Reasons and How to Make It Easier

why is life so hard

As we journey through life, we encounter a mix of delightful and incredibly challenging moments. During those tough times, you may ponder, “Why is life so hard?” It’s a profound question, particularly when difficulties seem overwhelming. Remember, you’re not alone, and there are ways to tackle the suffering you’re facing.

Why Is Life So Hard – 8 Reasons

Life’s challenges often prompt us to question, “Why is life hard for me?” It’s crucial to contemplate the obstacles we face, causing distress and challenging moments. Our diverse and complex lives present unique challenges, making us feel isolated in our struggles. Remember, you’re not alone—others have faced similar hardships and found their way through. Seek wisdom from their experiences to navigate your obstacles. Life may seem difficult for various reasons, but support is available.

Consider these 8 reasons and take steps to reduce dissatisfaction and gain new perspectives.

1. You take relationship conflict too seriously

Disagreements in a relationship can lead to decreased contentment within a partnership, posing significant consequences for those involved. When your partner occupies a central role in your life, any negative shift in your connection can disrupt your world.

What to do: One strategy to tackle relationship discord is to strive for a deeper understanding of your partner’s viewpoint. Studies have highlighted the value of feeling understood in mitigating dissatisfaction in relationships. Acquiring skills to manage relationship conflicts could potentially alleviate the distress experienced within the partnership. Additionally, recognizing the cycle of abuse in relationships and taking appropriate measures to ensure safety for both partners is crucial.

2. You fail to hold your pledges

Envision the potential transformations in your life if every commitment to personal goals remains steadfast. You vow to take a break from social media for a week, only to give in after two days, leaving you feeling let down. This cycle of self-disappointment can breed a sense of powerlessness and a perception of life’s constant trials. Consequently, insecurities may deepen, reinforcing the belief that life is inherently challenging.

What to do: Approach promises with unwavering determination. Reflect thoroughly, then commit firmly. Once decided, there’s no turning back.

3. You avoid taking the obligation

If life feels tough, it could be because you avoid owning up to your actions. When your car runs out of gas, you blame the route, not your failure to refuel. Miss a promotion? It’s the management’s fault, not your performance. You’re used to playing the victim, seeing the world as against you, leaving you feeling miserable.

What to do: Shift your mindset, and own up to your actions. Quit blaming others, and start fixing your mistakes. With this change, you’ll find peace and tackle challenges without feeling like a victim.

4. You are disapproving of yourself

You attempt a cake recipe from a YouTube tutorial, but the result falls short of the video’s perfection, leaving you dissatisfied despite meticulous adherence to instructions. Striving for perfection often leads to frustration, especially when it remains elusive, fostering a sense of life’s relentlessness.

What to do: Embrace imperfection as reality; no entity achieves flawlessness. Revel in minor triumphs, finding happiness in modest accomplishments.

5. You fear unfamiliarity

  • Most individuals find it difficult to embrace change…
  • Because it necessitates leaving behind the familiar for the unfamiliar, instilling fear of the unknown.
  • This apprehension leads to clinging onto the status quo, even amidst turmoil.
  • It’s a self-imposed trap of despair.
  • Avoiding necessary change breeds destructive habits, and the impetus for improvement must come from within.
  • Fortunately, effective strategies exist.

What to do: A successful tactic to overcome apprehension of the unfamiliar is by taking modest strides. Establish small objectives that appear attainable and reach them.

Initially, it may seem inconsequential, but consistent progress yields significant results over time.

6. You stick to the past

Many harbor lingering bitterness from past experiences, whether good or bad. Take, for instance, trusting an investment advisor who mishandles savings, leading to loss. Such events can entrap individuals in perpetual victimhood, blaming one incident for life’s course. While valid to feel wronged, it’s crucial to recognize that a single event doesn’t define one’s entirety. Positive experiences, like fleeting romance abroad, also leave a mark.

What to do: The remedy lies in embracing acceptance and releasing emotional burdens, paving the way for personal growth, perhaps through crafting a vision statement.

7. You lack self-care

What comes to your mind when you hear about self-care? Many people consider it as an appeasement instead of a need. But self-care is not the same as a pleasure or being self-centered rather it is described as “caring for yourself” to be healthy in all ways — physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Most people struggle through daily life stressors but don’t get time to do self-care for themselves. It would be great if you prioritize taking care of yourself by disconnecting from screens and taking a break from the grind. When you allow yourself to relax by getting enough core sleep, you will feel more refreshed and energized and will be able to tackle challenges with improved mental clarity. In other cases, stress burdens your physical and mental health, appeals to exhaustion and life becomes hard.

Kelsey Patel, a Los Angeles-based wellness expert has also described self-care as the best way to deal with daily life stressors.
A study published in 2018 also demonstrated the fact that self-care is not just about well-being but it also integrates managing skills to tackle burnout.

  • What to do: Self-care is a vital activity to do daily as it will help you to have stability of wellness. Here are some suggestions for you to take care of yourself:
  • Practice mindfulness meditation to achieve a stable mental condition
  • Eat healthy food
  • Do physical exercise such as yoga to keep yourself fit
  • Get better quality sleep
  • Read an informative book
  • You may also seek therapy if needed.
  • If you don’t practice self-care regularly, you’re risking your comfort and inviting exhaustion.

8. You are going through Financial Stress:

You might experience financial stress with a condition of fear, anxiety, and emotional strain associated with future and present expenditures. You are not alone in dealing with the financial crisis in the world. According to a study in 2015 by the American Psychological Association (APA), 72% of Americans undergo stress due to money at least some of the time. Financial stress may adversely influence your mental health which can make your financial conditions even worse. This instability also outcomes in feelings of embarrassment, loneliness, and uneasiness which makes life even more challenging.

What to do: Firstly, you need to overcome worrying feelings by calming yourself down as anxiety tends to demolish skills to find solutions. A superlative way is to make a budget plan to keep track of your expenses. By this, you may have control of your finances and fend off financial stress.

Final Thoughts

Life’s challenges can be eased by nurturing ourselves, managing negative thoughts, tackling stressors, and seeking therapy, paving the path to a more fulfilling existence. When questioning why life feels tough, remember you’re not alone; support is available, and solutions exist to surmount hurdles.