5 Profitable Writing Jobs You Didn’t Know Existed

Profitable Writing Jobs

Are you interested in a career as a writer but not sure where to begin? If so, then this article is for you.

The writing industry has expanded tremendously over the last decade. This growth is largely due to the movement toward digital marketing and away from traditional marketing.

Below, we have outlined five profitable writing jobs that you probably didn’t know existed.


As the name suggests, a ghostwriter will create content for another person or a company. The entity paying for the written content retains all rights to the materials and can repurpose it however they see fit. Among other things, they are allowed to pass the content off as their own.

Ghostwriters do everything, from creating short novels to generating blog content. Typically, ghostwriters operate as freelancers and seek work on a project-by-project basis. Many writing professionals enjoy the freedom that this work style provides as they have flexible work hours and don’t have to report to a physical office location.


Scribes work almost exclusively in the medical industry. These individuals are tasked with documenting key information about patient care.

Unlike ghostwriters, scribes do not typically enjoy freelance opportunities. Instead, they are employed by one or more scribe organizations that provide outsourcing services to medical providers.

Social Media Copywriter

Social Media Copywriter
Image: Pexels

Social media copywriters create content for social platforms exclusively, such as Facebook and Instagram. As a social media copywriter, you can take on a wide array of freelance contracts.

If you are looking for more stable employment, consider applying to work with larger companies. Many corporations employ full-time social media copywriters. However, these professionals usually have additional responsibilities, such as managing social media paid ad campaigns, publishing engaging content, and sourcing photos for posts and ads.

Grant Proposal Writer

A grant proposal writer helps organizations apply for and obtain various grants. Government agencies or nonprofit organizations may issue these grants.

Grant proposal writing is a highly technical profession. Once an organization obtains a grant, the writer is responsible for maintaining it. This usually entails submitting quarterly or biannual updates detailing how grant funds are being spent.

White Paper Writer

White Paper Writer
Image: Pexels

White papers are considered to be a more sophisticated form of advertising content primarily used for B2B purposes. White papers are detailed reports that inform readers about highly complex issues. Writers are also tasked with explaining how a particular company’s products or services can resolve said issues.

If you are interested in becoming a paid writer, identify which options above best fit your unique skill set, desired work schedule, and career path. Get started by connecting with prospective employers on freelance sites or job search boards.

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