Six Ways Pets Are Improving Their Owners’ Lives

pets are improving their owners lives

Pets bring profound happiness into our lives with their unconditional love and loyalty. The bond we share with our pets is based on trust and heartfelt consideration that reinforces our connection with them. Living illustration of this strong affection is evident in the fact that pets have long been known to be men, and women’s best friends, helping to do everything from improving relationships to protecting their homes.

However, in recent years emotional support by animals has given us undeniable proof that pets have a positive impact on people’s lives and make them much, much better. According to a survey, around 66% of U.S. families have a pet at home. These animals bring solace and support and even contribute to the development of emotional and social skills in children.

The Benefits of Owning Pets

Most pet owners are clear about the immediate joys that can also accompany the comfort of being close to a cuddly creature. The human-animal bond has become a topic of scientific scrutiny, revealing its numerous benefits. 

Over time, pets have adapted to perceive human emotions and behavior. For example, dogs such as German Shepherds, known for their loyalty and smart instincts, can understand the words of their owners and even interpret vocal tones and physical gestures. This unique connection allows pets to add real bliss and unconditional love to your life. When faced with challenging situations, moving with pets can bring a sense of calm and strength. Here are a few of the top ways that pets are improving their owner’s lives on a very real and daily basis.

Here are a few of the top ways that pets are improving their owner’s lives on a very real and daily basis.

1. Emotional Support for Recovering Addicts

One of the biggest advantages of having pets today is the undying support they give to recovering addicts. Whether it’s trying to resist the cravings of alcohol or getting through Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms, the addict’s pet is there wagging his tail, being patient, and never judging to help their owner make it through.

Therapy dogs work best for this recovery. Dr. Ann Berger, a physician and researcher at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland says, “Dogs exemplify mindfulness. They concentrate on the person all the time and know the art of sitting and loving someone who’s struggling with something.” Some dogs are so loyal to their owners that they prefer to sleep under the bed to stay close and watch over their owner’s well-being.

Not only do these pets help with the bad days, but they also teach responsibility and help the patient rebuild their confidence and self-worth.

2. Help to Lower Blood Pressure

Recent studies in patients 60 years and older showed that patients who owned a pet showed a decrease in their stylistic blood pressure readings. It is thought that older pet owners may enjoy an extended life, lower blood pressure, and even increased heart health by having their canine pals or even their feline friends around. It doesn’t seem to matter what type of pet it is, as long as it is loyal and loving, and you have the desire to care for it with love yourself.

3. Reduce the Risk of Developing Allergies

Contrary to what you have believed all these years, it seems that owning pets doesn’t make you more apt to develop allergies. Instead, it seems that through studies performed on many young adults, the ones who were exposed to pets early in life had 50 percent fewer allergies than the ones who were exposed to pets later in life. So, not only are pets great for emotional support, but they might help your allergies down the road as well.

4. They Make Their Owners Want to Be Healthy

As anyone who has a pet knows, it’s hard to watch TV or read a book all day, when you have a dog staring you in the face, begging to go outside or play. This not only makes your dog happy but also drives you to get up off the couch and lead a healthier lifestyle. After all, who’s going to take care of your pet if you’re not around to do it?

5. They Lower Stress Levels

Pets are well known for their ability to lower stress levels. There are even studies out there that show that your pet can reduce your stress levels more than friends, family or even your spouse can. Pets don’t judge, they don’t argue back or lecture you, they are just there laying in your lap, waiting to be petted and loving you no matter what you do. Research at the University of California at Davis has demonstrated that a dog or cat in the home of Alzheimer’s patients contributes to less stress and fewer anxious outbursts.

6. Pets Increase Your Social Interaction

Pets create opportunities for meeting new people and to know about them. When you go to pet stores, clubs, beaches, or parks with pets, you make friends with other pet owners and alleviate feelings of solitary life.

Furthermore, if you feel hesitant to attend social gatherings, a pet can help you become more comfortable meeting other pet owners, improve your relationships, and boost your emotional wellness.

Final Words

These are just a few of the ways that pets are making a huge difference in the lives of their owners. From keeping them healthy to reducing stress levels, pets are even more awesome than we thought they were. Wouldn’t you agree? However, the loss of a pet comes with the inevitable pain, and getting over your pet’s death can be a difficult phase.